Sunday, January 21, 2018

Sunday morning ramble on the stormy, win blown Olympic Peninsula

Tree branches are flying through the air, trees give up and crash to
the forest floor. It's a mild temperature, but it's a fierce storm.
So forget any outside work. It's a good day to reflect upon the
Storms brewing in our, "Other "Washington".

Although Donald Trump is the visible focal point, he is not the cause
of the current problems. The bottom line, to
coin a phrase, is Greed Driven Corporate Capitalism.
Really, would it matter if we had two Saints running for president, if
they ended up being controlled by the demands of the American
Corporate Empire(ACE)? And by the way, when in history did we have
two well qualified candidates running for the presidency? Certainly
as far back as my own lifetime goes, 1935, both major candidates were
indoctrinated in Capitalist values and principles. Remember, FDR set
about saving our American Oligarchy, when the rank and file workers
were coming close to revolution. Had Herbert Hoover stayed for a
second term we might well be living under a totally different form of
government today. So FDR was brilliant, and despite pressure from
many of the very Capitalists he was saving, he managed to steer the
nation away from out and out rebellion. But he left in place the same
bosses as had been the cause of our economic collapse. Greed!
Embedded deep within Capitalism is Greed. The need to enrich oneself
through the removal of the results of other peoples labor.
Capitalism is Greed! I repeat, Capitalism is Greed. There is no such
thing as "controlled Greed", nor is there such a thing as "controlled
capitalism". Once you establish a system that relies, for its
successful operation, upon the taking from another, you have
established an inequality that can never promote equal opportunity.
And if you can take a little from others, then as surely as the sun
will rise in the East, you will work to find ways of taking more.
Because your bottom line is always, Profit. Profit driven systems
will blow smoke in your noses by telling you all sorts of reasons they
need to take the actions they take, and how it is going to be so great
for you...really! But Profit is always the goal. And all their lofty
reasons are nothing but Fog, spread to confuse and distract you. And
that brings us to the fact that this is exactly the job of the Town
Clown, Donald Trump. He is the Court Jester, shucking and jiving to
distract Americans from the Rape and Plunder that is being conducted
by his Owners, the White Landholders. The very descendants of those
very wise men who seized upon the opportunity to wrest power away from
King George and the British Empire. This is not to take away anything
from the Constitution. For its day and time, it was a brilliant piece
of work. Too bad our current Congress can't compromise as well as
those long ago American Pillars did. But even so, Profit, Capitalism
and with it, Greed were woven into the fabric of that Great Document.
And in this, the Great American Experience was doomed even as it began
to shoulder its way into the crushing powerful nation it became
following World War II.
As far fetched as some believe it to be, and as foreign to our current
thinking, until we are able to join hands and become a single People,
and a single Human Class, until then we will continue to stumble along
attempting to serve both Profit and People. People will always loose
in that effort.

Carl Jarvis

PS. Whenever you hear Donald Trump bragging about himself, just begin
humming that old song that was so popular during the 50's..."Oh yes,
I'm the Great Pretender..."

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