Thursday, July 29, 2010

coming soon, Obamaville

TV and radio networks are giggling with glee as the election season comes around.  Not since Christmas have they seen so much money pouring into their coffers. 
Each time I hear a propaganda piece by the "Non Human" First Class Citizens, I email the station and ask if they know that they are running ads funded by Terrorist organizations.  I'm sure they think I'm nuts, since none of them ever respond.  But I feel it's my Patriotic Duty to remind them that "We the People" are not corporations, and that we are under an all out attack on our Freedom.  Think of it, while our troops are out there fighting to keep us free, our economy and our rights are going down the toilet.  Won't our fighting boys and girls be surprised when they come marching home and find that everything they fought for has either been squashed or sent overseas?  Ah well, there are still a few street corners open for the taking, and I noticed several vacant benches in the park.  But choice living arrangements, like under the overpasses, have all been claimed.  It won't be long until our cities are ringed with Obamavilles, and we'll begin to look like all of the other Third World cities. 
Curious Carl

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