Monday, April 11, 2011

Fw: babies. Conceived in Lust. Who will love them?

A great number of unwanted babies are the by-product of lonely unwanted children giving themselves in Lust because they have no idea of how to give themselves in Love. 
These pregnant children come from broken homes, abusive home, insestual homes, left by uncaring adults to raise themselves.  Of course there are the children from caring families who go beyond limits and find themselves pregnant, but these are not the repeaters.  The lost children who keep making the same mistake over and over, thinking that this time will be different because it is a different man, or being forced into the corner by an older brother, uncle, step-father. 
We keep thinking of these children as if they were our children or the kids down the street. 
Think instead that you are a 14 year old girl huddled on a soiled, bare mattress tossed in the corner of a room filled with filth.  In the next room your mother is screwing Heaven only knows who, just so she can get a fix.  In the kitchenette food from weeks back is stuck to the counter tops and all over the stove.  The apartment refrigerator stinks and has gray stuff growing on the shelves.  The bread is moldy.  And that's all there is to eat.  Outside your door is wild noise.  Horns, screams, sometimes the crack of a gun.  Violence everywhere.  And all you have in the whole world to hold onto is the older neighbor boy who even now is sliding his hand down your pants. 
You most likely are Black or Latino.  You might be a mix of white, Black and Latino. 
At 15 you have a baby in your arms and another in your belly. 
How are we going to educate you to be careful when you are being dragged onto the mattress?  "'Scuse me, do you got a rubber on?"
This is the pregnant girl I'm talking about.  She is a victim of our neglect.  She is the product of a Greed Driven Ruling Class.  Tell me what we have done for her and for our nation by telling her it is against God's Will to kill a Fetus? 
For God's Sake, we're killing her.  Slowly, but surely.  And we gather and march on the abortion clinic and get all puffed up with Jesus.  And that child mother lays shivering in the darkness praying, praying the just tonight, just tonight for once please dear God, don't let him come. 
Curious Carl

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