Wednesday, March 14, 2012

In My Defense, I can shoot a rifle and drive a car

I can carry and shoot a rifle.  It's my aim that's the problem. 
Same with driving.  I'm a great driver. 
Guess I'll stick with bowling. 
Curious Carl
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 8:29 AM
Subject: RE: [acb-l] In My Defense - Was: Honored, Humbled or Humiliated?

I often wondered why blind and other disabled persons were deferred from service, I guess that the first and main reason for an armed service is to carry and shoot a rifle...

Claude Everett
"I am opposing a social order in which it is possible for one man who does absolutely nothing that is useful to amass a fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars, while millions of men and women who work all the days of their lives secure barely enough for a wretched existence."
Eugene Victor Debs 


From: [] On Behalf Of Ken Metz
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 7:32 PM
To: 'Ashley Bramlett'; 'Carl Jarvis'; 'Bill Gallik'; 'ACB List'
Subject: Re: [acb-l] In My Defense - Was: Honored, Humbled or Humiliated?

Hi Ashley and all.


That, too, is bogus. Why can't blind folks serve in the service. Obviously we're not going to be on the front line, but there are so many other jobs we could do.




From: [] On Behalf Of Ashley Bramlett
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 7:30 PM
To: Carl Jarvis; Bill Gallik; ACB List
Subject: Re: [acb-l] In My Defense - Was: Honored, Humbled or Humiliated?



Most people who go into the military do it as a patriotic job. I bet any blinded veteran is unhappy about the blindness but also glad they served their country.


From: Carl Jarvis

Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 10:26 AM

Subject: Re: [acb-l] In My Defense - Was: Honored, Humbled or Humiliated?


Well said, Bill. 

It would be interesting to know if we have any blinded vets on this list.  What about members in the ACB?  And if so, how do they see our involvement in being used as cannon fodder in the Empire's quest for control of oil? 

Or do they see their sacrifice as a Patriotic action in our war against Terror? 


Carl Jarvis

----- Original Message -----

From: Bill Gallik

To: ACB List

Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 2:45 AM

Subject: [acb-l] In My Defense - Was: Honored, Humbled or Humiliated?




You are quite correct in pointing out that the sort of non-VIP political discussion that has evolved from the original thread is out of place on this list.


In my defense though; please permit me to explain that when I consider the number of formerly healthy, fit, able-bodied  youth that have been killed, maimed, crippled and BLINDED over the past 50 years so our petroleum industry could secure oil reserves (Vietnam, South China Sea and Iraq) it makes me sick.  Yes, I do especially regret the blinding of young, able-bodied men and women in the service of wars that, in my opinion, are more about empire than national defense.  I guess that's why I felt my comment was pertinent on this list.


I understand how petroleum does fuel our society and that's why I pray for the day we develop efficient, economic alternatives to gasoline and diesel fuel.  Perhaps I should have been more clear as to where I was coming from rather than throwing a political incendiary as I did.  If this society weren't so addicted to petroleum based energy, there would be a significant less number of blind among us today and the way blindness casts so many obstacles to life I can't help but ask if being able to drive a block to pick up a six pack or cigarettes is really worth that.


For that non-clarity I apologize to the entire list.

Holland's Boy, Bill
- "Last week I was diagnosed with insomnia, and now I'm just so tired of it."
- Source Unknown


From: Carl Jarvis

Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 8:21 PM

Subject: Re: [acb-l] Honored, Humbled or Humiliated?


This is an interesting subject, just not one that should be continued on this list.  I started to jump in and then noticed it was not the chat list.  If you guys want to bring it over to acb-chat, I have some very strong opinions on the if that's something new. 


Carl Jarvis

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Monday, March 12, 2012 4:36 PM

Subject: Re: [acb-l] Honored, Humbled or Humiliated?


Bill, you wrote: "The day will come when personal vehicles
will no longer be the preferred mode of transportation â€" once this nation is tired
of spending so much treasure and blood to artificially support the petroleum industry."
Well, if Congress could pass the Keystone Pipeline issues, getting Obama out of the picture, we won't have to fight our oil. It will be domestic, and jobs will be created. I'm pretty sure, in his favor, Scott Walker is in favor of the pipeline, let alone other things thqat will truly creation job s in America.
David Rosenkoetter
Kansas City, MO

53 Year Old Mom Looks 33
The Stunning Results of Her Wrinkle Trick Has Botox Doctors Worried

What a great story Ron, I’m sure no insult was intended in Secretary LeHood’s offering you the VIP elevator.  Although I understand why you may have some quam about that gesture.


What I find particularly amazing about your post is the fact that our governor (Scott Walker, Wisconsin) refused an $800 million grant from the Federal government to improve and build light rail services between Milwaukee, Madison and the Twin cities.  I believe it was extremely short-sighted and I’m certain the day will come when citizens of the Badger state look back on that decision and realize it to be the ideological screw-up of the state’s history.  The rationale for Gov. Walker’s decision was that after building the infrastructure for said light rail, the taxpayers of Wisconsin would be left on the hook for future maintenance costs.  He imagined that he would be able to take that $800 million and use it to build and repair highways and bridges, but I firmly believe it was a political “payback” to the highway construction industry that supported his candidacy.  The day will come when personal vehicles will no longer be the preferred mode of transportation â€" once this nation is tired of spending so much treasure and blood to artificially support the petroleum industry.


Holland's Boy, Bill
- "Last week I was diagnosed with insomnia, and now I'm just so tired of it."
- Source Unknown

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