Friday, July 13, 2012

"It isn't easy being green"...

Subject: "It isn't easy being green"...

To all Green Party Supporters, or Future Green Party Supporters. 
Tomorrow the Green Party will select their presidential candidate at their Baltimore convention.  It appears that Doctor Jill Stein will be selected. 
More and more I see the Green Party emerging as a viable Third Party.  A People's Party.  A young, energetic party without the baggage of so many of the old traditional left wing parties.  Unlike the one two-headed party of Democrats and Republicans, the Green Party takes no, absolutely no contributions from Corporations.  Unencumbered, unbought.  Free to represent The American People. 
Does the Green Party have a chance of winning the presidency this coming election?  Absolutely not.  The Green Party is snubbed by the Major Party(Republicrats/Demopublicans) 
Will voting for Doctor Jill Stein tip the election one way or the other?  Absolutely not.  The major party will assure its victory regardless of which of its heads comes out on top. 
The Major Party sneers at the Greens, but it is not really a sneer, it is Fear.  The major party will do all it can to keep the Green Party candidates from sharing their campaign platform.  They do not want embarrassing questions raised.  They do not want it pointed out that they are turning their back on the poor, the disabled, the sick, and all the others who are named on the statue of liberty. 
The Green Party is like a small flame of liberty burning in a pile of garbage.  It can be easily snuffed out by the pile of stinking stuff covering it, or it can be fanned and begin to burn brightly and consume the pile of bile. 
So, for the future of my children, grand children and those of other Americans, I am throwing my vote to the Green Party. 
Carl Jarvis

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