Sunday, July 22, 2012

Today's shootings mean we need to strengthen our gun laws.

Gun Lovers Everywhere,
The way to tighten up gun control is to get rid of both Republican and Democratic Parties and put in a government that puts People First.  The truth is that despite protests to the contrary, most Americans can't be trusted with guns.  Owning a gun my be a Right, but how many people do more than buy one...or more...and tuck them in a bed stand?  Some folks actually take target practice and know how to take off the safety, aim and squeeze the trigger. 
Most of us will simply pull out our gun, point and fire.  Usually the person we hit, if we actually hit anyone, is a family member or our own foot.  Accidental shootings kill far more innocent people than crooks. 
Even highly trained Peace Officers make errors in judgment and kill innocent people.  They have vastly more training than any average citizen. 
If that theater in Colorado had been filled with gun packing citizens, the death toll would have tripled. 
The evidence tells us that those states with the most liberal gun laws also have highest rate of deaths by guns. 
We need to get over our silly idea that a gun will protect us.  Crooks are usually better prepared for violence than the average citizen, and if we think that little hand gun is going to protect us from some unmanned drone bomb, think again. 
Carl Jarvis

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