Saturday, July 7, 2012

just whose slaves are we, anyway?

Subject: just whose slaves are we, anyway?

So who really has enslaved the 99% of American People? 
What's that?  You are offended?  You say that you are not a slave to anyone. 
Sorry to offend you, but from one slave to another, explain again to me how you think you are free? 
None of us 99% are free today.  Maybe "enslaved" is a bit strong, but take a look at what has happened while we were asleep at the switch. 
We have allowed our government, the one, "of the people, by the people and for the people", to sell us out.  Our government has not only granted charters to corporations, but our government has allowed them eternal life everlasting.  Next, our government has allowed these imaginary entities to become True Corporate American Citizens, with all the Rights and more, of the 99%.  None of us can expect to live forever.  None of us can rob, cheat, steal and lie and never go to jail. 
But worse than all of that, we played and danced while these new Corporate Citizens took over the government that we believed was, "of the people, by the people and for the people". 
I submit that we are now no longer members "of the people, by the people and for the people" government. 
We are slaves to the new, United Corporations of America.  Of course, like the United States before them, the various corporations do quibble and bicker and jockey for power.  But they are every bit as united as were the 50 former states. 
In the same manner as the Good King George, they own the Land, the Buildings, the Minerals, the production of America.  In effect, they own the people. 
And like King George, they are not about to hand over control to the 99%.  They will call out their military might and turn it on the 99%, if the 99% dare to demand any part of their hard won empire. 
Remember, we Colonists had to mount an army to wrest power away from Jolly Old King George.  The colony governments were actually corporations, governed by men appointed by the King.  The King expected their undying loyalty .  The Colonial governments did not govern the people, they dictated to them, just as corporate boards dictate to us today. 
You still don't feel like a slave? 
When did you have an honest choice of candidates when you went to vote? 
Why do the Tea Party, the Far Right, the Far Left, the Libertarians, the Radicals and the Soccer Moms all trash the government, and yet nothing changes?  If it is really, "of the people, by the people and for the people", then why is it still sitting there?  Why have we not put in a government that truly represents the 99%? 
Could the answer be because we do not have control of the government?  Could it be that this government is really doing a fine job for "the people" it actually represents? 
How long did it take the Colonists to realize that their "governments" did not represent them, but were doing a fine job for Old King George? 
When they gathered and took their complaints before the governors, they were rebuffed.  The governors knew which side of the Royal Bread their butter was on.  Just like our politicians today.  Of course they will promise us the moon and stars.  Of course they claim that they truly love "the people".  And of course they will go to the wall to protect and advance their real bosses, the corporations. 
When we finally get tired of listening to them shout, "It's time for a change", or "Yes we can!", we will rise up and do as we were instructed to do in our constitution.  We will replace the government and put in it's place a new government, "of the people, by the people and for the people". 
Power to the People! 
Carl Jarvis

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