Sunday, July 1, 2012

it's broke; let's fix it

Subject: It's broke; let's fix it. 
We need to redouble our efforts to remove corporations life support system; their first class citizenship.  
And at the same time we must put an end to the American practice of buying elections.  This calls for a total reform of how campaigns are run, financed and publicized.  Ban all mass media campaigned commercials.  They are mostly negative and too short to address issues fairly. 
Open channels on TV and Radio channels giving time for any and all candidates.  Voters wanting to be informed will do so, and those who do not, which appear to be the majority of Americans, will happily watch the latest American Idol. 
We have come to a place in our elections where more people stay home and cast no ballot, than bother to be involved.  And even "being involved" can often mean picking up the ballot at the last minute, marking all of the candidates in the "Party of Choice" without having any real information on who or what these people are. 
We are fast becoming a nation governed by a minority.  And in congress these days, an even smaller minority manage to hold the entire nation hostage. 
They say, "Don't fix it if it ain't broke".  Well, it's broke.  We'd better fix it soon or it will be like old Humpty Dumpty. 
Carl Jarvis

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