Tuesday, June 5, 2012

the flaw in religion

The central flaw in all religions is the belief that there is an absolute truth, and each of them has it. 
Once an organization reaches the place where they are convinced that they have the Truth, there can be no real compromise with others.  The members might adopt a tolerance policy, accepting that others have the right to believe as they choose, but it is done with the understanding that they are misguided. 
In most Christian religions there is the belief that God expects the Faithful to bring the Truth to the world, to convert them in order to save their Souls.  Today, in America, this is mostly done by persuasion.  But in past times it could be done by force. 
But religion is not the only place we find this belief in absolute right. 
Today we see it in the Republican Right Wing.  The commitment of House members to reject any efforts for compromise. 
Even among the blind there is such belief.  When I joined the NFB, I was persuaded that there was only one "Right" way to become independent.  Because we possessed the Truth, there was no room for other methods.  Either you agreed and joined with us, or you were against us.  We did not allow for anything in between.  Any person who set themselves out to be neutral came under attack.  We would accuse them of secretly being in league with the enemy, or at best being weak willed.  The ACB was pronounced to be a front organization for the custodial agencies.  I remember very clearly Kenneth Jernigan ordering Federationists to never share a platform with a member of the ACB. 
As long as the NFB continues to grow in strength it does not need to examine it's central Truth, making any thought that there might be improvements, out of the question. 
Of course religion has painted itself into a corner more difficult to get out of than secular organizations.  Once having invented a Supreme Being and having given Him all Truth and all Power, there is no way to step back and examine His Word.  Every God worth His salt has built in blasphemy as a central part of His defense.  Question His Word and you are not merely seeking to examine potential improvements.  Perfection cannot be improved upon.  Your actions are seen as attacks upon God.  And you must be turned away, if not put out of your misery. 
Meanwhile, being a free wheeling thinker is very difficult because we keep bumping into all sorts of dogma, propaganda and misinformation in general. 
Carl Jarvis
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2012 4:22 PM
Subject: RE: Why the Pope Hates Nuns

And, all the offshoots of that "Brand of Religion" and other proselytizing religions are the same way, and wouldn't deem to be democratic in their operations or theology.

Claude Everett
Everyone has a disability, some are more aware of it than others.
"beyond what a man's own hands produce" was a gift which came to him simply by living in society, and hence he owes on every principle of justice, of gratitude, and of civilization, a part of that accumulation back again to society from whence the whole came."
Thomas Paine
1737 – 1809
English writer and American revolutionary


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