Thursday, September 16, 2010

and another thought on smelling the coffee...

More thoughts about smelling the coffee
 Not only is All War terrorism, but we must expand our definition of War to include the struggle between the People and the Giant Corporations.  We are being terrorized by the very same folks who are begging us to "Preserve our American way of life".  But we need to look about us and determine just whose way of life we are protecting.  The only people I see whose way of life has been untouched by this giant drain of our tax dollars is that of the very wealthy.  Those people who live behind gates or on estates beyond the shores of the nation they call their homeland.  In truth, they are no longer Americans.  They are the Empire Builders, and the world is their Homeland and their oyster.  We true Americans will need to fight to stop the rape and plundering of our beloved nation. 
Curious Carl
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 8:25 PM
Subject: Re: Meeting notice and conference numbers

Carl and Holly, when you say "terrorists are among us," I would respond that war is terrorism.  Bruce

On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 9:01 AM, Carl Jarvis <> wrote:
What is bothering you is called "Capitalism".  We pay lip service to others needs but then turn around and grab for the brass ring. 
The Deaf Blind Service Center has never been one of DSB's core programs, and so is not protected.  It is no longer a question of which programs are critical to meeting people's needs.  We are now down to tearing apart that very America we were told that we were going to defend from Terrorists.  Turns out that the Terrorists are among us. 
I have always said that the Deaf Blind should be declared a separate disability.  The combination of both blindness and deafness makes them difficult to serve by either the DSHS Deaf Program or the DSB.  But funding the Deaf Blind Service Center was one way of serving them. 
Now they must fight for their very lives.  Or at least for their very independence. 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2010 8:36 AM
Subject: RE: Meeting notice and conference numbers

Why are the deaf/blind being cut when it took years to find good programs to serve their needs and now they are out in the cold?  It is always the old and disabled who get the shaft.  We don't know who to blame but it still makes me sick.  It's funny . . . or not funny but sad . . . that we always have time to go to war and spend money on other things, fancy limos for movie stars and politicians, stretch limos that I cannot stand to look at when I see one in town, and other unnecessary frivolities and then there is no money to help those in need.  Something is wrong with this picture.  The entire situation is immoral as best and criminal at worse.  Why don't we go back to the days of the Nazis in which the blind and disabled were killed to get rid of them?  I am being sarcastic here as I hope you realize but it is true – if things get any worse in this country, that just may happen.  When the population is suffering financial hardship, people start to blame the less fortunate and want them gone so that they might get more.  Financial bad times are not good for any of us and especially the blind and disabled.  This is just about as bad as it was in the "old days" when there were no services for the blind and they were institutionalized.  I can't stand to write anymore.


Talk to everybody at the next meeting and I will try to come up with some POSITIVE thoughts about all this, as hard as it is going to be.  I did hear from Marla Oughton that she had passed my application for the SILC on to the Governor and it is being reviewed.  I should find out by the end of October as to whether or not I was selected as a member of SILC.  I don't know if this will help but as least I can keep the needs of the blind and visually impaired in the minds of the legislators when budget cuts are planned.  We must be visible and be the squeaky wheel that gets the grease if possible.  We also must be a "thorn in their sides".




From: Carl Jarvis []
Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2010 9:47 PM
To: Karen Johnson; Holly B. Kaczmarski; Alco Canfield; Barbara Crowley; Bill Hoage; Bruce Radtke; Carl Jarvis; john guydish; Shirley Taylor
Subject: Meeting notice and conference numbers



Hi All Fearless Members. 

Remember, our next  call will be Sunday, September 26 at 8:00 PM.  . 





Members code: 775 653 66


(moderator's code:

683 849 24)


Today, Saturday, September 11, I called into the SRC quarterly meeting and listened to DSB director Lou Oma Durand's report.  From her very grim report I gather that DSB will be reduced to attempting to justify their core programs: VR, ILOB, IL and Child and Family and the OTC.  The critical Deaf Blind Service Center which DSB has funded for many years, will be cut from the budget.  That news is a heart breaker. 

We all need to be planning on how we and our fellow members can best present our programs and services to the legislature. 

I suggested today to the gathering at the SRC meeting that we all need to become acquainted with our state legislators and tell them the human stories about the people we know.  We will need for the Legislature to have our faces in mind when it comes time to butcher the budget. 

Also, we must be sure that we approach these law makers as our friends.  They are in just as much of a jam as we are.  They are not the ones who made this mess we are in.  Too often we tend to lay blame at the most convenient feet.  But our Legislature is not responsible for this Great Recession.  The state must balance the budget.  Some critical services will be chopped.  We do not want to find ourselves on the cutting room floor. 


Carl Jarvis

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