Friday, December 17, 2010

like lambs to the slaughter...

Baa, Baa, Baa! 
Like lambs to the slaughter, we blindly follow the Pied Pipers of the Corporate Drug Industry and Blood Sucking Health Profiteers. 
While fellow Americans die, we shrug and say, "Well, we still have the best medical care in the world". 
The evidence against that is far too great to print here, but it doesn't matter because we are being charmed by the smoke and mirrors, and by the billions of dollars, blown into our faces by these uncaring Health Pirates. 
We're being ripped off left and right.  The War Games that are never going to protect Americans from Terror, in part because the real Terrorists live among us, and the health providers who provide nothing, but take all they can suck from our dying bones, are not driven by concern for our well being.  They are part of that great cancer called Greed that is consuming everything in sight. 
We must demand a new government.  A government that really protects All it's people, not just the Ruling Class, and provides basic health care to All its people, not just to those with lots of money, and ensures that no citizen will live in poverty or die in foul, stinking warehouses for the old used up folks, and free education for All our children, and free child care for working mothers and working couples. 
It's long past time that we, the people paying the bills, demanded our fair share. 
Curious Carl

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