Saturday, December 11, 2010

Why Obama's 'Tax Deal' Does Major Damage to America

Obama, the lesser of two Evils? 
What Force has brought us to the point of never having a vote between the Better of Two candidates? 
And another thing! 
Some of us were talking about smokers being victims or being responsible for their tobacco habit. 
I maintained that we were so propagandized by the tobacco industry that we were enticed to use a product that concealed a highly addictive drug that we became addicts before we knew we were hooked. 
Millions of otherwise rational, intelligent Americans were duped, lied to, tricked, and lulled into lighting up. 
So why is it so hard to understand that our minds have been drugged by the corporate ruling class through their mass media?  Who owns the media?  Us?  Who pays for the time used by the networks?  Who pays for the slick non information political ads during the long, extended campaigned season? 
You know, if enough of us pulled the plug on the media and just voted for any third party on our ballot, we might get some attention. 
Curious Carl

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