Tuesday, January 3, 2012

from common sense to uncommon nonsense

Subject: from common sense to uncommon nonsense

By November, 2012 I will most certainly be residing in a padded cell, bound up in a straight jacket and muzzled so I can't bite myself. 
Already my nerves are frayed and my brain is sizzling with all of the so called political debates. 
And it's only just begun.  This morning I tuned into Democracy Now and heard a few of the Super American Citizen ads being run in Iowa.  My Goodness it does make the heart swell with pride.  To think that Billionaires think enough about us to spend some of their ill gotten wealth(formally our money) on "informing" us as to just how horrid some of the candidates really are. 
Well, they could have saved their(our) money.  After listening to the debates drag on and on and on...after all of that nonsense, we already know that there is no viable candidate. 
But while the Billionaires are busy hammering down their own lap dogs, it gets even crazier on the "other side of the aisle"...as if there were still an aisle. 
Our fearless leader, our man of peace, our great brown hope, our protector of our constitution and our American Way of Life has just signed a bill that not only keeps our military might in place, but allows our military to enter our lives in the dark of night and snatch us away to be never heard of again.  Just like we claimed them dirty Commies did.  Like them no good Cubans do...and them Chinese Commies...and them Iranians...and all them bad guys. 
So we now openly join in with the rest of the criminal governments that we once proclaimed we would defend our nation against.  Hells Bells!  We are them! 
Well Pogo, you said it all when you looked up at Albert and said, "We have met the enemy and they are us". 
Ah, but we still have God on our side. 
But I began this rumpled ramble when I thought about what we once called Common Sense.  I would suggest that we can no longer trust what we call Common Sense.  We have been lied to, deceived, twisted, manipulated and misdirected for such a long time that we no longer have the ability to recognize Common Sense if it kicked us in the groin.  We, even us who think we're enlightened, have been stupefied to the point of wandering aimlessly in the dark of night. 
What hope is there for us if we have lost our ability to make common sense from the nonsense of today? 
Curious Carl

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