Sunday, January 15, 2012

life's experiences

It was pointed out to me that this note went only to blind democracy.  Clifford, who I mentioned, is on ACB Chat, not Blind Democracy. 
While my remarks were directed to a note Miriam had written, I nonetheless would feel better if my note was posted where Clifford and other thoughtful conservatives could react...or not. 
Carl Jarvis

And herein lies the problem.  Each of us comes at the world from our own lifetime of experience.  We gravitate toward like thinking people.  Our values are their values.  When we are in a position to do so, we bring like thinking people in to support us.  I have two thoughts that I hope won't tangle with one another. 
The first is regarding President Obama.  We hear his words of encouragement and promise, and we feel that he is a like thinking person.  So much to agree with.  Even if it is a bit fluffy and vague.  And so, when his actions and his appointments run against what we think we know about him, we are puzzled.  We believe that Obama is being manipulated or worse yet, threatened into acting against his own beliefs. 
But we're wrong.  Sure, he certainly is under great pressure, and could even be given to believe that he had better behave if he knows what's good for him, but that's understood by every person who ever held public office.  President Obama, through his actions and his appointments and the people he brings in for dinner, tells us exactly who he is and what he stands for.  And, sad to say, most of it is not going to benefit the majority of Americans.  Obama is smooth and he is clever and he is very bright.  But Obama is our Pied Piper, leading us into the black of night. 
My other thread involves my frustration in responding to folks like Clifford.  I respect Clifford and other honest, thoughtful conservatives on this list.  So when I read some of their positions, I want to draft a long response that will naturally enlighten them and bring them around to my right way of thinking. 
But the problems with doing so are many.  First, being unique individuals, we each have our own Life's Experiences from which we draw to make sense out of our world.  The people I associate with and invite to dinner are mostly like thinking people.  At least at some level.  And we see the world similarly.  I assume Clifford and other conservatives do likewise.  We each reinforce our own perceptions and agree upon our wise solutions to the world's problems.  This makes it very difficult to understand the other person's position on any issue where we are in disagreement.  And yet, my life's experiences are full of just as many contradictions as are yours or anyone else's. 
So how do I tell president Obama, or Clifford, or you, that you are biasing your perceptions of the world by the company you choose, when I'm doing exactly the same thing? 
The bottom line is that we can carry on discussions that will enable each of us to understand a bit better where the other person is coming from.  If we are honestly seeking solutions, we might even modify what we understand, based on what we are hearing. 
So I read, and listen, and think, and learn.  I'm a much different person than the Carl Jarvis of 50 years ago, but but that is mostly in how I deal with the world around me.  My basic conviction that we must learn to respect and trust and truly educate all Americans, has never changed. 
Enough already.  I should grab some breakfast.  It's only 8:30 A.M. out here in the snowy foothills of the Great Olympic Mountains, where it is 28 degrees. 
Curious Carl

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