Saturday, January 7, 2012

Rick Santorum and God

Rick Santorum uses the tired old "way things are supposed to be, line" to
rationalize his position. The next thing you will hear is that plan for
the way things are supposed  to be is god's plan. No Mr. Santorum it is
your plan, or does he feel god and himself are one in the same?

Frank M. Ventura
That is exactly what he does believe. He feels god and himself are one and the same. 
In my former life as a Born Again Christian, I can tell you that I believed God and I were one and the same. 
When you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and are Baptized in the Holy Spirit, you are born again as a Child of God. 
My life was directed and guided by God.  My very thoughts were inspired by God.  Every event in my life had God's hand in it.  Even though I had this Earthly Body, God and I were one and the same. 
Just as my children, when very young, copied my every action and learned through imitating me...a warning to all new I learned from God by Believing His every Holy Word. 
And then, just as my own children did, I grew up. 
As an adult, using the very brain I had come to believe was one and the same as God, I began to observe huge problems with the entire premise on which God was built.  At first, as any child would do when confused, I turned to my Heavenly Parent and asked for help in understanding the contradictions.  My Heavenly Father was no help.  We tried, He and I, to look beyond my Earthly understanding, but I kept coming back to this problem that God had given me a brain.  Either I was meant to use it, or God was jerking us around.  Of course my pastor told me that I was being tempted by Satan.  And for a period of time I tried believing this.  I confronted Satan and ordered Him to "Go to Hell!" 
And always, the way back to Faith was through the Holy Word of God, the Bible.  I tried the Billy Graham approach, kissing the open pages and saying that I would accept the Bible as the absolute truth.  But as soon as I did this I could see the problem.  God, so I believed, had given Man a brain.  Now we suggest that maybe we were not supposed to use this brain.  At least that is what I get from reading about Eve and the temptation she thrust upon Adam, with the Fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.  But God had given both Adam and Eve brains, and He had also planted this odd tree in the middle of His perfect garden...along with a Serpent...but that's another story. 
Again, the Holy Word began to fall apart.  Satan had been the Arch Angel Lucifer.  God had created him, since God created everything.  God, whom the Bible tells me cannot look upon imperfection, and God who knew the Beginning and the End, this very God had knowingly created an angel who he knew would turn against him and tempt His little children. 
And we think the Mad Hatter had lost his marbles? 
So the end result was that I could only determine that the Holy Bible and all Holy Books of All Faiths, were the creation of Man's desire to rise above his human frailty. 
That left me with the question as to whether God exists in any form.  Certainly the Universe exists.  We can see it and touch parts of it and track it's movement.  But we cannot say just how it got here, what it really is or where it's going. 
Any person who tells you that he knows because he has spoken with God, is a person who has eaten from the fruit of his own self delusion. 
In future ages, should Man survive, we may learn enough to understand some of what we now call Mysteries.  But the only sane position for the time being is to be Agnostic, neither able to prove nor disprove that which is beyond our current understanding. 
Curious Carl

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