Friday, October 22, 2010

Commentary, six Reasons to Unplug the TV

Ah yes.  It appears that folks are indeed waking up to the fact that we are at war.  America is under attack from the Empire Builders, and has been under attack for years.  Not only are we being given big lies, but we are being lied to on a daily basis.  We are distracted by silly stuff that is passed off as news and we are turned against our own government, or turned off toward it.  And we never ask the questions that could burst through the smoke and mirrors. 
1. How can our nation be so perfect and free if our government is so corrupt and inept? 
2. If politics are so complex how come such stupid people are the politicians? 
3. If our politicians are not bought by huge political contributions(bribes) then why do they never hear us? 
4. If this is our government and our nation, why is all our money  and all our jobs going overseas?
5. If we are winning the war against Terror, why are we being terrorized by our own government? 
6. If we are defending our American Way of Life why are our highways and bridges collapsing and our schools falling apart and our elderly being driven into poverty and our disabled being thrown to the wolves and our poor being robbed  of their homes and forced into poverty level jobs and our health care is becoming the laughing stock of the civilized world? 
Curious Carl

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