Wednesday, October 6, 2010

house burns while fire fighters stand by

I was thinking about the fire fighters in Tennessee who stood around watching a house burn because the owner did not pay the special $75 annual surcharge. 
It is our tax dollars that underwrite such basic services as fire and police protection.  If taxes are not sufficient, then either raise them or let All members of the community do without.  Placing a surcharge or extra insurance policy to protect the folks who can afford it is a bad precedent.  Why should the working Class and underprivileged citizens pay allegiance to a government that cannot protect their most basic needs? 
I am reminded of the days when I was a student at the University of Washington.  I worked in a small restaurant that sat at the end of University Avenue, right on the shipping canal.  It was busy and bustling during the daylight hours but became very lonely when all of the surrounding businesses closed up at night.  About 6 each evening the two beat cops would wander in and plump their hind ends at the counter.  They always ordered a full meal and always topped it off with a slice of pie alamode.  Taking their time and enjoying the meal and several cups of coffee, they finally would wipe their mouths and stand and stretch, rubbing their ample bellies.  Then they would turn and amble toward the cash register, making a real show of reaching for their wallets. 
"It's on me Boys," my boss would say. 
"Well, thank you kindly," they always answered, and strolled off down the street. 
I protested to my boss, "Why do you let them get away with that?  We pay taxes and they are well paid to do their job.  Besides, isn't that against city regulations?  I mean, those cops are on the take." 
"Look," my boss assured me, "This is an neighborhood with a lot of breaking and entering during the night.  I consider it an extra insurance policy.  Those boys will keep a closer eye on my business to ensure their free dinners." 
And it was true.  His restaurant was never broken into.  But most of the businesses around him were. 
I understand where my boss was coming from, but was it fair? 
Curious Carl

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