Thursday, October 21, 2010

equal treatment under ADA: it's all written down

Someone suggested that all we need to do is to point out to the flight attendant that ADA rules allow us to carry our canes with us, and that we do not need to take our dog guides harnesses off.  . 
Well, you are correct.  It's all written down.  Now let's say that you are in a long winding line waiting to board your flight.  You arrived in plenty of time but the line is longer than usual and your flight is leaving in 30 minutes.  The person at the beeper box insists that you remove the harness from your dog guide.  You point out your rights.  The person tells you to obey or you will be removed. 
The same can be true once on board the plane.  the flight attendant smiles and grabs your cane.  "I'll place this in the storage cabinet," they tell you.  You clutch your cane and say, "I have the right to carry my cane with me". 
"Still smiling, the flight attendant snarls, "Let go or I'll have you removed". 
It's your call.  The airline or airport may apologize later, but you have to choose whether to miss your flight or cave in. 
This is the treatment afforded to unequal's. 
Which leads me to wonder, has any blind person flying in first class ever had their cane grabbed? 
Curious Carl

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