Tuesday, October 26, 2010

time for peace

Remember eating dinner with the TV tuned onto the war in Korea?  That was before we were entertained by ads for personal hygiene products.  We chomped down on our hamburgers to the sound of bombs blasting and tanks rumbling.  Well, thank goodness we are spared that today.  Now I eat along with the multitude of ads explaining why there are only criminals running for public office.  Not only does our media ignore the horrors of the war, but they happily replace them with the horrors we will endure after the next election. 
Now it seems that there is a rumble in the wings calling for reinstatement of the Draft. 
But rather than reinstating the draft, I say reinstate Peace. 
Curious Carl
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2010 7:02 PM
Subject: The Way We Treat Our Troops

The Way We Treat Our Troops
You can only hope that the very preliminary peace efforts in Afghanistan
bear fruit before long. But for evidence that the United States is letting
its claim to greatness, and even common decency, slip through its fingers,
all you need to do is look at the way we treat our own troops.

The idea that the United States is at war and hardly any of its citizens are
paying attention to the terrible burden being shouldered by its men and
women in uniform is beyond appalling.

We can get fired up about Lady Gaga and the Tea Party crackpots. We're into
fantasy football, the baseball playoffs and our obsessively narcissistic
tweets. But American soldiers fighting and dying in a foreign land? That is
such a yawn.

I would bring back the draft in a heartbeat. Then you wouldn't have these
wars that last a lifetime. And you wouldn't get mind-bending tragedies like
the death of Sgt. First Class Lance Vogeler, a 29-year-old who was killed a
few weeks ago while serving in the Army in his 12th combat tour. That's
right, his 12th - four in Iraq and eight in Afghanistan.

Twelve tours may be unusual, but multiple tours - three, four, five - are
absolutely normal. We don't have enough volunteers to fight these endless
wars. Americans are big on bumper stickers, and they like to go to sports
events and demonstrate their patriotism by chanting, "U-S-A! U-S-A!" But
actually putting on a uniform and going into harm's way? No thanks.

Sergeant Vogeler was married and the father of two children, and his wife
was expecting their third.

It's a quaint notion, but true: with wars come responsibilities. The meat
grinder of war takes its toll in so many ways, and we should be paying close
attention to all aspects of it. Instead, we send our service members off to
war, and once they're gone, it's out of sight, out of mind.

If we were interested, we might notice that record numbers of soldiers are
killing themselves. At least 125 committed suicide through August of this
year, an awful pace that if continued would surpass last year's all-time
high of 162.

Stressed-out, depressed and despondent soldiers are seeking help for their
mental difficulties at a rate that is overwhelming the capacity of available
professionals. And you can bet that there are even higher numbers of
troubled service members who are not seeking help.

In the war zones, we medicate the troubled troops and send them right back
into action, loading them up with antidepressants, sleeping pills,
anti-anxiety drugs and lord knows what other kinds of medication.

One of the things we have long known about warfare is that the trouble
follows the troops home. The Times published an article this week by Aaron
Glantz, a reporter with The Bay Citizen news organization in San Francisco,
that focused on the extraordinary surge of fatalities among Afghanistan and
Iraq veterans. These young people died, wrote Mr. Glantz, "not just as a
result of suicide, but also of vehicle accidents, motorcycle crashes, drug
overdoses or other causes after being discharged from the military."

An analysis of official death certificates showed that, from 2005 through
2008, more than 1,000 California veterans under the age of 35 had died. That's
three times the number of service members from California who were killed in
Afghanistan and Iraq during the same period.

Veterans of the two wars were two-and-a-half times as likely to commit
suicide as people the same age with no military service. "They were twice as
likely," Mr. Glantz reported, "to die in a vehicle accident, and
five-and-a-half times as likely to die in a motorcycle accident."

The torment that wars put people through is not something that can be turned
on and off like a switch. It's a potentially deadly burden that demands
attention and care. People shouldn't be exposed to it if there is any
possible alternative.

The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have been world-class fiascos. To continue
them without taking serious account of the horrors being endured by our
troops and their families is just wrong.

The war in Afghanistan, the longest in our history, began on Oct. 7, 2001.
It's now in its 10th year. After all this time and all the blood shed and
lives lost, it's still not clear what we're doing. Osama bin Laden hasn't
been found. The Afghan Army can't stand on its own. Our ally in Pakistan can't
be trusted, and our man in Kabul is, at best, flaky. A good and humane
society would not keep sending its young people into that caldron.

Shakespeare tells us to "be not afraid of greatness." At the moment, we are
acting like we're terrified.

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