Saturday, December 31, 2011

chewing the fat as 2011 wanders off into history

Somewhere my original point got smudged...or I wandered too far from what I was trying to say. 
In my many years circling the Sun, I have watched our outlook on life move from a positive one to a very dismal one.  I'm speaking of American's, since I'm not conversant with the attitudes of other nations. 
And I am only speaking of those years in which I have some personal experience...about 1941 to 2011...I don't think I was too aware of my first 6 years...1935-41, but after the War swept over us, I was much more aware of the world beyond my own nose than I might have been if I'd been living in more tranquil times. 
So, in my travels I have watched our American Attitude move from one of positive belief in a bright future, to one of grim desperation. 
Back when the Middle Class was beginning to flex some muscle and folks believed that through hard work and just a touch of good fortune they could prosper, at least being "better off" than their parents. 
At the risk of over simplification, our focus has shifted from our belief that we were prospering as a nation, to one of "every man for himself". 
Oh sure, we continued to pay lip service to America the Beautiful, the Land of the Free and the Brave, but in our heads we were being conditioned to "get while the getting is good". 
A very large part of this comes through the mass media.  It is through this constant hammering that our attitudes have been altered.  And it has happened without our even being aware of it. 
The "news" is negative.  We have been separated from our own government and no longer have any confidence in "them".  We have been pressured into believing that our lives will be so much better if only we have the latest gadgets, bobbles and bright shiny beads. 
We have been led by the pied pipers of Corporate America from being a nation of people to being a vast field of consumers, ripe for the plucking. 
If I am even close to being right, then what we must have, even before we have a change of government, is an attitude revolution. 
If you agree, then how do you propose that we begin the process? 
Curious Carl

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