Saturday, December 31, 2011

In according to Christianity.

Greetings Mostafa,
As an Agnostic, I do not have the great burden of attempting to follow the dictates of some imaginary God.  If I commit an act that is harmful to myself, my family or my neighbor, I am responsible for correcting that action. 
I know when I am hurting others without having to check with one Holy Book or another. 
If I take something that does not belong to me or look with lust at my secretary, I know my actions are hurting others and that I would be offended if it were happening to me.  Why do I need to check in with some make believe God? 
I live the best life I can and try to learn from my mistakes.  But I understand that I am human and that I will make mistakes.  I do not spend time worrying about going to Hell because of my being human and making mistakes, I just vow to do better and then I go forward. 
For me, Christmas is a time to gather loved ones near.  We put up a tree and exchange small gifts and feast on the traditional Turkey dinner.  None of these actions are done out of religious convictions.  In fact, Christmas itself is not the day Jesus was born on.  Christmas trees and Santa Clause and huge feasts were not a part of early celebration of His birth. 
Christmas in America has become a season for marketing products to the consumers.  These consumers used to be called Citizens, but over the years they have become object for exploitation.  The Corporate Empire Builders use Christmas in the same way they use everything else.  The use it to control the people. 
And, my friend, they use *All* religions in the same way.  Teach the people to be obedient to some far off God.  Teach them to never question His Word.  Teach them to kill in His Holy Name.  Teach them to give freely of their meager possessions.  When this is done, the Empire Builders own the people
The people may grumble, but they will do their Master's bidding. 
And yet, I do love the Christmas Spirit.  The joyful music, the excitement of little children and the hugs and kisses from loved ones. 
We really need more Christmas Days, without the pretend Gods. 
Carl Jarvis
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2011 4:04 AM
Subject: In according to Christianity.

In the name of Allah the gracious clement the grand merciful.
Upon you all be peace and blessings:
I may have a bit of  concern.
I' am a Muslim, and I've lived  all that time pretty persuaded, proud, and thoughtful that's the three major monotheistic beliefs are simultaneously united in the legislative commandments they preach, Now, here is the question:
Does the Christianity permits to its followers the boyfriend/girlfriend relationship?
 I' am serious about that question, if people would attempt to corrupt a religious injunctions for the sake of satisfying their own desires, then it is a true catastrophe. 

I may slip up  on my own, but I would never claim that's my religion  said something while it doesn't. 

  For instance, many Muslims  today and I' am even the worse of them, may Allah forgive me, are committing sins on various levels and in different aspects of the religion, and of course, this does reflects a quite  negative impact, because people will say, and they are right actually, look at them, that's how the Muslims really are, they misrepresent the path of Islam by practicing a contradicting behaviors, but we never claimed that's the Qu'ran for instance is allowing fornication or drinking alcoholic beverages.
Why most of the Jews are not eating porks or drinking alcohol?
 Because basicly they do want  to follow the commandments genuinely.
How do you will celebrate the Christmas this year?

Well: just  as I celebrate it annually.    

May I have  a suggestion:

You may practice the Christmas celebration differently this year:

How about attempting to be the  closer person to righteousness and piety. 


Attend the Church service, and intend it to be a regular practice as much as convenient for you, don't miss a Sunday on Church.


Avoid any behavior that is religiously forbiddance, so you wouldn't drink, don't say that it is just an occasional drink you know, man don't make me laugh, I' am snickering right now, what a joke, because of the materialist manner of the western mentality, many people have truly forgotten what Christmas is all about. 


I' am sincerely wishing  all of you a joyful Christmas this year, Marry Christmas.











Best Wishs.
It's always hope that gives meaning to life.

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