Thursday, December 15, 2011

my objective view

My Objective View 
Sometimes I tell folks that I am a recovering Christian. 
But anyway, as a self proclaimed Agnostic I am now able to look upon all religion with a totally unbiased, objective view. 
During my childhood I did attend Sunday School and learned all the wonderful, simplistic Fairy Tales.  And I believed that there must be a God, because adults told me so.  I also believed in Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny.  I believed there were little people living in the woods who would guide lost children home.  I believed in the Devil and goblins and monsters.  I would never let my feet or hands dangle over the edge of my bed at night.  something under there would surely grab me and drag me away.  And eat me for their dinner. 
And so I drifted into attending church, as an adult.  But I could never say that I believed or disbelieved. 
Then I decided that if God really did exist, and the Bible really was his book, and Jesus really was His Son...if all this was true, then I'd embrace it and dedicate my life to this eternal cause.  I was born again, baptized in the holy spirit, spoke in tongues and had visions.  The whole nine yards. 
I think I drove my poor old dad nuts during those years.  All his Radical Teachings were down the drain. 
Looking back, I had to do it.  How can I know for certain unless I give myself totally to the Cause? 
Of course, since I do have a wondering mind, even if it is not the brightest bulb in the chandelier, I began finding holes in the Christian fabric.  My Mentors told me that I must accept in Faith.  But my answer was that if God had intended us to accept in Faith, He would not have provided us with a natural curiosity.  While my fellow believers studied the Bible, the Word of God, I studied my fellow members.  I began to see that the Bible was just like a big bucket of sand.  Whenever a question arose that they had no answer for, or that contradicted what they believed, they simply shoved their heads into the Bible. 
Among the many lessons I learned from my 6 plus years as a born again Christian, was that Christianity and Democracy cannot coexist. 
Christianity, and all other religions that I am familiar with, are made to exist alongside oppressive governments.  Dictators, Monarchs, Kings, and whatever other names we give to our strongman leaders.  Christianity is what helps to keep the masses in line.  We can tolerate all sorts of contradictions just so long as we truly believe that our treasure's are laid up in heaven. 
But American's, as well as many people in other Western nations, have drifted away from the strong direct influence of the Church. 
In its place we now have the Mass Media, pumping Fairy Tales called news, into our eager ears and eyes.  We have Super  Sports to occupy our leisure time.  We have aisles and aisles of toys...IPhones, computers, and other amuse us. 
But woven through it all is this basic conditioning from our Christian Heritage.  And as long as we must believe in a strong, invisible Being who will save us from ourselves, we will never stand upon our own two feet and take responsibility for our lives and our planet and all that lives here with us. 
I agree that we must find a way to end this crazy belief in Nothingness.  But I fear that it is so woven into the fabric of our lives, and so reinforced by the Ruling Class, that we will never find our way to freedom. 
Curious Carl

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