Friday, February 3, 2012

just spinning my wheels

Lots of folks were taken in by the Soviet double speak.  I used to hear my dad and his buddy debate whether the Soviet or the Chinese experience was the more true form of Marxism. 
Not me, though.  No sirree Bob. 
Instead, I took the plunge into the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues and casting out of all sorts of stuff.  Mostly Demons. 
But we all came to our senses, my dad, his buddy and me.  My dad was very understanding of my flight into Fundamentalism.  He had been raised in the Bible Belt by a dedicated Christian Lady...his mother.  She lectured him daily, drilling him on the Word of God.  and if he wasn't paying close enough attention, a hunk of stove wood caught him in the head.  He had two uncles who were preachers, too.  So my dad rebelled at a very early age.  His buddy was the son of a Methodist Missionary.  In many ways this fellow was also possessed of the Missionary fervor.  Only he was preaching Communism. 
To my way of thinking, and the reason I've never thrown in with any particular radical or progressive group, is that they look about the same as that fundamentalist group of Christians that I once broke bread with. 
I keep telling myself that one day I'll find the group that fits me...or that I fit in with.  I'm sure I'll know them when I stumble over their shack under the on ramp.  But until then I'll just take in as much as I can, and offer far more words than anybody cares to read. 
Curious Carl

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