Saturday, February 18, 2012

rich people are never unemployed

To All Lovers of the Good Life. 
It's all in how you look at it.  The conservatives would have us believe that the solution to our unemployment, especially among the young, is to remove the wage minimum and eliminate the cobwebs of government controls.  After all, some of our greatest achievements were done without building permits, safety regulations, minimum wages, pensions, health insurance or annual leave.  Do you think the Pharaohs fretted about safety on the job while erecting their magnificent tombs?  And what about that Great Wall in China?  Think those workers got 4 weeks paid vacation and a retirement package? 
But we don't have to travel quite that far back to see the effects of full scale "Right to Work" policy. 
We might take a look at those Chinese Coolies who dug the railroad tunnels and laid the iron rails from Coast to Coast.  Talk about benefits! 
And how about those Africans we hauled out of their savage lives and gave them good jobs picking cotton?  Hey, check out their retirement plan. 
Of course we did open our nation's doors to the tired, the poor and the desperate from Europe.  And we gave them plenty of jobs.  We put them in our mines, the ones that did not have those pesky safety regulations.  We put them in the garment factories and never had to lay them off because of government rules.  We just burned them to death. 
No, removing the wage minimum and government controls may look good to the corporate bosses, but they fail to see that it will simply end in open revolution. 
The solution is as close as their greedy noses.  Stop and think about it for just a second.  How many rich people do you know who are out of work?  I mean other than George Bush II. 
The answer is None!  No rich person is looking for work.  Not a single one has lost their home to foreclosure.  They are eating three square, staying warm and dry, coming and going as if there were no recession.  And in fact, for them there is none. 
So there is the solution.  We go to the printing house and each and every citizen receives ten million crisp new dollar bills.  With our new wealth we will be able to begin our own corporations and buy our own politicians.  We will live the good life and bring in the downtrodden from other nations to do our dirty work. 
If we've learned one lesson from our greedy, rich corporate citizens, it is that rich people are never unemployed. 
Curious Carl

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