Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Obama makes surprise visit to Afghanistan

Subject: Re: Obama makes surprise visit to Afghanistan

Any breath the president takes will be analyzed and criticized by the Republicans.  After all, they are only trying to lead the American People back to those prosperous days under George Bush, II. 
It was what president Obama said, not where he said it from that troubles me. 
The Lies just keep on coming!  Afghanistan was never a threat to America.  Between the British, the Russians and us, it's a wonder anyone survives in that Forsaken Land. 
But it gets worse.  We will have a presence there until at least 2024.  Think of it!  A country that did not attack us.  Certainly it is a country that houses folks who hate our guts...but name one country that doesn't...even in Israel.  But just think of our helping those poor Afghanistan's next time the bridge you're driving over collapses.  Think of them when the school building caves in on your children.  Think of your generous tax dollars at work over there when your boss cans you, or your house is foreclosed, or you can't afford the rising cost of gas or schooling or food, and your dear old mother is sleeping in a pile of rotten sheets in the stinking nursing home. 
But it's the price we must pay in order to spread our freedom and democracy around the world. 
And after all, don't all Americans share in this deprivation?  Well, I mean other than our protected Ruling Class.  Thank our Great God that we are so generous as to keep them safe from harm. 
Carl Jarvis
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2012 9:35 AM
Subject: RE: Obama makes surprise visit to Afghanistan

There is a lot of buzz from republican camps this morning about our
president's visit to
Afghanistan yesterday; they say he could have done this from the Oval Office
and could avoid tax payers spending money to fly his whole contingent to the
scene  of the crime; however, it was done for the boosting of moral for the
troops as well. 
To that end, George Bush didn't need to climb up on the rubble of the
World Trade Towers did him, nor did he have to pose in that flight suit on a
battle ship in falsely claiming that victory had been won in Iraq; so the
president is an opportunist, no matter which party, and does things he or
she sees fit for his or her own political gain and the good of the country.

Think of that before you open things to criticism

Dogs are the leaders of the planet. If you see two life forms, one of them's
a poop, the other one's carrying it for him, who would you assume is in
Jerry Seinfeld

Mike Townsend and Seeing Eye dog Brent
Dunellen, New Jersey  08812
H:  732  200

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