Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Why Do Poor White Voters Reject the Democrats? ,

Miriam asks, "It may answer the question as to why they reject the Democrats, but it
doesn't explain why they vote Republican."

Yes, it is strange thinking...if we can call it thinking. 
But then we are funny folk.  As mother used to say, "Everybody is a little queer, except Thee and Me.  And sometimes I wonder about Thee." 
A buddy of mine once told me that he would never drink wine.  "Beer is all I drink because I don't want to become an alcoholic."  Is reasoning?  Look at all the Winos   on Skidroad.  Well, he does have a point.  Did you ever hear of a Beero?
Seriously, it's amazing that folks don't just throw up their hands and walk away from it all.  Well, in fact if we look at the percentages of voters in any given election we find that folks really are walking away.  I don't know if anyone has checked to see if they throw up their hands. 
We are so inundated with misinformation by both major parties that it is impossible to base our decisions on it. 
But the Ruling Class continues to use the same old methods of control.  The ones that ultimately end up in violence and an end to their dominance.  They never learn because they have their hands and noses buried deep into the pockets and purses of their not so loyal subjects. 
Finally we come to where we are today.  Unrest is all around us.  The Working and Lower Classes, and what's left of the so called Middle Class, are fermenting.  Demonstrations will become open hostility.  The Ruling Class will respond with increasing force and destruction of our Constitutional Rights. 
And then the lid will blow off the pot.  The Ruling Class will thrash about until they are beaten into extinction, never understanding that they had the power to have avoided such confrontations.  And the Masses will thrash about in all directions because they were never able to come together and make plans for a better government.  Revolution is a lose lose situation.  But how do we avoid it, or how do we put out clear and honest information, and get people to accept it?  Until we learn how to govern ourselves, we are doomed to repeat history again and again. 
Curious Carl

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