Saturday, December 22, 2012

: just too bizarre

True confession time.  As a mid-management person in a governmental agency, I had a number of female secretaries and assistants over the years. 
I am going to tell you something I want you to promise you'll never mention to Cathy.  Okay?  Promise? 
Here it is. 
I was sweet on about half of the women who worked for me.  I would not call it Love.  Love is a word I reserve for that relationship between me and Cathy.  But I could say that I was "sweet on" many of these talented women.  And I have never been opposed to a little flirting. 
My last secretary and my last director, a woman, and I have been good friends for the 19 years since I retired.  We seldom see one another, but stay in touch via email.  In fact, I have a number of female friends.  I like the company of women.  Sure I get on with my male friends just fine, but women tend to chat about subjects that I find more interesting than talking about guns, cars, hunting, sports, and superficial pop politics. 
Women, I believe, talk more about feelings.  And that is my favorite subject. 
But I have never felt that my marriage was threatened by my feelings about the many women in my life. 
I think we are living in confusion regarding our feeling, these days.  We get messed up between thinking a woman is sexy and our desire to have sex with her.  I hope I never come to a day where women don't attract me. 
Over my years in the blind movement I have sat in hotel rooms with blind women who poured out their hearts to me.  Lonely, abandoned women.  Used and abused women.  And my heart went out to each of them.  I wanted to fold them into my arms and tell them that it would be all right now.  But this was no different than how I felt toward the men I counseled, or my own children.  Watching someone learning Life's lesson the hard way is very emotional. 
But it never did threaten my marriage or come between my love for Cathy and myself.  The thought of breaking the bonds of trust between myself and those people I worked with or counseled, was totally alien to my way of thinking. 
Sure, I knew of those who did cross the line.  And it always ended in disaster.  Ruined lives all around. 
And so I am more than shocked that a man could stand up and declare that his marriage was threatened by an attractive employee.  He is a liar.  Pure and simple.  Maybe he doesn't know it, but he is, nonetheless.  He is a pitiful shell of a man.  Weak and out of control. 
Carl Jarvis
----- Original Message -----
From: Bob Hachey
Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2012 9:26 AM
Subject: Re: just too bizarre

Hi Joe,
Holy Crap! Family values? What about the family of the female assistant who was adversely impacted by the firing. IT's his damned fault if he can't control his little head and, frankly, as a gorny high myself that ain't always easy to do but I'd never even considering firing someone on that basis and am dismayed that any court would go along with such chauvenistic pig mentality in the year 2012. All those male judges should get some coal in their stockings, perhaps along with some salt peter to keep that little head under control. By the way, does that really work? LOL.
Bob Hachey

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