Wednesday, November 3, 2010

backing down or regrouping?

Backing down, or regrouping?  Just because the majority of the people decide to enter an illegal war does not mean that we who constituted the minority should back down.  Remember the old British phrase, "The Loyal Opposition"? 
Well, very often that is just where I find myself.  But I never think of "backing down".  Regrouping is a better direction to go. 
When I expressed my concern over entering into the Viet Nam Conflict(remember?  Not a War?", many folks I knew, including some I was related to, actually called me a Traitor to my Country.  At church some of my good Christian friends would not speak to me and would actually move if I sat in the same pew.  My in-laws took me to one side and told me I should keep my opinions to myself because my actions were upsetting their daughter(my first wife Judy). 
When Judy and I returned home I asked her to tell me her feelings.  She said she supported what I was saying, but her parents had jumped all over her until she broke down and cried.  Then they tried to lay that at my feet. 
Because I was newly blind and enrolled at the University of Washington, I did not take part in many rallies or protests.  But I did feel obliged to express my opinions.  I believed, and still believe that it is my responsibility as a loyal citizen to do just that. 
I see the same thing today.  If you support the illegal wars, you are a Patriot.  If you oppose the illegal wars and torture, you are an enemy of the State. 
Anyway, once again our Supreme Court has it all wrong.  But why not?  They come out of the same contaminated pool as do so many other politicians who have been bought and paid for.  We are misled to believe that somehow when these men and women don their judicial robes that they are above politics.  Please!  They are the very ultimate of the corrupt system that put them in their seat of power.  And they know just who their Masters are. 
Curious Carl

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