Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Bad deal: The White House's last-ditch plan stinks

Subject: Re: Bad deal: The White House's last-ditch plan stinks

Miriam, Bob, Chris and Lovers of Freedom Everywhere! 
Claude and Miriam provided Chris with some pretty good answers to his query: "
Maybe I'm just too conservative, but I don't see anything conservative about Obama. What do you see about him which makes you think he is more conservative than conservative Republicans think he is?"  
Nonetheless, I believe this is an exercise in futility.  Comparing Obama to Nixon, or Clinton, or Chester A. Arthur only points to the fact that the entire candidate pool is contaminated. 
Like it or not we now have a one party system with two heads.  This party is protected by the ruling class because it does their bidding.  Other political beliefs are frozen out or condemned as Un-American. 
All candidates bobbing about in the political cesspool must meet the basic requirements set forth by the Ruling Class...the Establishment. 
Certainly it looks at times as if things are being pushed Right or Left, and at times the Fair Haired Champions of the Ruling Class get a bit out of hand, but that's because we're dealing with Human type animals.  Very hard to control. 
Still, the Ruling Class does continue to come out on top.  From the founding of this great Republic, the White, landed gentry took control of this new nation.  It was not they who generously gave women the right to vote, or the Black and other non-white people standing as whole people, even if not equal. 
Even during the Great Depression, when the Ruling Class came near to losing their Nation, even then they only gave up enough to maintain control.  Franklin Roosevelt was their Savior.  And like Jesus Christ, he was damned by the very people he saved.  Had Roosevelt not finessed the fermenting revolution, America would look very different today. 
But as long as we have this two-tiered system, the haves and the have not's, our nation will continue to be run for the benefit of the Establishment, the truly first class Americans. 
Why this is so hard to see, is beyond me. 
If we can put down our iPhones, game boys and turn off our favorite All Sports Talk Show, and look around us, we will see a nation in trouble.  Decaying inner cities, police becoming military troops, roads and bridges crumbling, schools being handed over to private profiteers, higher education being sold to our young, the elderly who carried us on their backs, now being kicked to the curb, our health care being handed to more profiteers.  And where are our hard earned tax dollars going?  We are told it is to "protect our freedom".  And we're buying this?  Even as more and more drones spy on us?  Even as our very most personal communications are bared before the CIA and FBI and other even more secret agencies? 
We can see where our money is ending up.  The huge sprawling military complex.  and The fat cat despots who strut around in their little fiefdoms while we protect them from their neighboring states. 
But the Really Honest to Goodness First Class Americans are doing just fine.  While we whine about the terrible mess Obama or Bush or Clinton or Reagan made, the Ruling Class has never had it so good. 
Do they have pot holes in their roads?  Are their homes under water?  Have they been out of work?  Are their children fighting cold drafts and rats in their school rooms?  Are their women being pulled into alleys and raped?  Do they have bans on abortion?  Are they limited to the low quality of health care that the rest of us must live with?  Or die with? 
Does it matter to the Ruling Class if gas goes over 4 dollars a gallon or milk rises to 8 dollars?  Will higher cost of living put a stop to their vacation in Paris, or the private safety in their private resorts?  
But we Americans are told that we must sacrifice to keep our nation strong and safe.  And we seem to suck it up.  We become violent if anyone dares to tell us that we are being deceived. 
So here we are, back to wondering just how liberal or conservative Barak Obama is.  It doesn't really matter.  He is a product of the system.  He will do what he must do to protect the Establishment.  And one fine day, when his grand children have children of their own, someone will "research" Barak Obama and find that he was a truly noble man, the very first Black man to rise up in this Land of the Free and the Brave.  But there will be no mention of the bodies he left strewn in the wake of his administration.  The innocent children disintegrated by an unmanned drone, or gunned down by a demented soldier pushed beyond the breaking point.  None of the suffering of elderly people caught in his compromise(sellout) to the for-profit health pirates.  No mention of the young men and women setting out in life deeply in debt.  Their crime?  Trying to secure a decent education so they might have a chance at the good American life.  The unions he watched destroyed while he went back on his promises to "put on his walking shoes and stand with them".  And the ruling class will read this book and shake their heads and say, "Well, he wasn't too bad, after all". 
Not for them.  But really bad for the rest of us. 
Carl Jarvis

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