Sunday, January 27, 2013

remembering honey pots

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2013 1:19 PM
Subject: Re: [acb-chat] Top CEO's plan to loot US social programsbyMargaretFlowers

Hi Clifford,
I did think about the old Honey pots when I used the term, but I figured there would not be many on the list who are old enough, or rural enough to remember them. 
When my dad was a boy in Webb City, Missouri, back in the late teens and early 20's, Honey pots or Honey buckets were in the vast majority.  The outhouses lined the alley and the Honey Wagon would come along, pulled by a team of horses.  The honey pots slid out and the Honey Boy, usually Black men, pulled it out and dumped it into the wagon, creating a cloud of flies and a fresh stench. 
Dad recalls seeing his first indoor toilet.  It was a room built out over the yard with a door at the lower back end where the honey pot could be pulled out.  At least you didn't freeze your toosh off trotting out on a cold Winter's night.  He also remembered that many of the houses did not have screens at the windows.  On hot summer days the flies were thick inside and out.  Fly paper hung everywhere, black with the dead and dying bugs. 
And people actually lived in such conditions, taking them in stride. 
Me?  I bitch if one little fly sneaks in and swoops around. 
Carl Jarvis
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2013 11:25 AM
Subject: Re: [acb-chat] Top CEO's plan to loot US social programsbyMargaretFlowers

Dear Carl:
    Apparently there are differences  with language in different parts of the country.  Here in hillbilly country, we keep our honey in jars, and the honey-pot was emptied each morning, back in the days when running water was not available in rural East Tennessee. 
    I do agree that we need to change our laws to make sure that large successful companies that are headquartered  in this country, are required to pay their share of taxes.  Unfortunately, there are countries in the world that have no income tax for corporations, and it is all too easy for the companies to simply "move" their headquarters off shore in order to avoid tax.  The same holds true for individuals, such as the founder of Facebook. 
    I also agree with Bob on the issue of the social security tax.  In fact, I would support a flat tax for social security and Medicare which is imposed on all income of all types whether corporate or individual, and if that were done, the rates could be lowered substantially  and the system would not be headed for the cliff which is scheduled not that far in the future. 
    If the congress and the president were parents of the next generations, they would be prosecuted for child abuse. 
Yours Truly,
Clifford Wilson
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2013 10:56 AM
Subject: Re: [acb-chat] Top CEO's plan to loot US social programs byMargaretFlowers

Hi Bob and All Who Dream of Better Times. 
You wrote, "the real problems here are in the form of corporate welfare to big business..."  
Actually, I see that as an outcome of the real problem.   
The real problem is that "We the People" have no government.  "They, the Corporate First Class Citizens, and Their Lackeys" have an Empire. 
And just as we used to believe that we had a government that stood for Liberty and Justice for All, their Empire's bottom line is, Maximize Expansion and Profit. 
To the Ruling Class, the Empire's People, the rest of us are like flies buzzing around their honey pot.  We are a nuisance.  At the moment they merely brush us away.  But as we persist in trying to grab a taste of that yummy honey, they will bring out the fly swatter. 
Our mistake is two-fold. 
First, we believe that we can pressure the Empire into sharing.  Please go back and re-read their bottom line. 
Second, we believe that they see us as people with the ability to contribute to the well-being of the nation. 
What they see is a natural resource.  We will mine their coal, farm their gardens, clean their mansions, and in effect we will provide all that they need doing in order to live their lives and free their time to the task of maximizing expansion and profit. 
Their actions over the life of this nation declare that they believe themselves to be the Chosen Ones, the Wise Ones, the Leaders, the Doers and Shakers.  Their history books are not filled with our achievements.  They revel in the great accomplishments of their People.  And we are taught to believe that these are the great people in our history.  Well my friends, the truly great People in our history are, Us.  They are our fathers and mothers, and our great great great grand parents.  The toilers of the soil,  the builders of houses, the construction gangs, the house wives, the cop on the corner, the fireman putting his life on the line, the homeless person building a shanty out of packing crates, the children surviving in squalor and the filth and danger in the Ghettos and slums, the young men and women sacrificed daily to defend the Empire's ill gotten gains, the elderly folk caste aside and waiting to quietly die.  These are our heroes.  But try to find them in your school's history books.  Oh, you may see them listed as, the King's troops, or perhaps, the industrialist called upon the governor to send out the National Guard to put down the rioters, protesters and mischief makers. 
But only a very few of our common heroes ever grace the pages of the Ruling Class' history books. 
Although millions of pages have been written, and hundreds of wise Talking Heads have pontificated, the solution is a simple one. 
Either we go along as we are and hope for enough crumbs from the Master's Heavily Laden Table, or we rise up and establish a new, People's Government. 
And I'm sorry to say, but that does mean a blood bath.  Look at it from their point of view.  What would you do if the flies suddenly swarmed into your honey pot and began sucking it dry?  Of course you'd reach for the really big fly swatter. 
Carl Jarvis
----- Original Message -----
From: Bob Hachey
Sent: Friday, January 25, 2013 9:31 PM
Subject: Re: [acb-chat] Top CEO's plan to loot US social programs byMargaret Flowers

Hi Claude and all,
Margaret Flowers has it right here.
The greed of members of the business round table is most depressing. While
our debt is not a good thing and does need to be reduced in the long run,
the most important thing we need to do now is to get our economy growing
again and create more jobs that pay a living wage. The bitter pill of
austerity if inflicted upon America right now will stall the very slow
growth we have now and further divide us into the haves and have-nots. WE
need to return to Keynesian economics which creates a much more vibrant
middle class and levels the playing field for most of us. there's nothing
wrong with being rich, but there's quite a bit wrong with being very very
rich such as the unbelievable levels of wealth held by the top one half of
one percent of Americans. Right-wingers continually whine about what they
call entitlements such as social security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps,
SSI, college grants and defined pension plans. The entitlements that cause
the real problems here are in the form of corporate welfare to big business
regardless of profit levels which sap revenue from our government and cause
our infrastructure to be the laughing stock of the rest of the developed
world. The entitlement that bugs me the most is the one whereby former
members of Congress on both sides of the aisle quickly transform from reps
and senators to lobbyists and consultants who bring in big bucks in cushy
jobs as they use insider knowledge gained while in Congress to the benefit
of themselves and their employers often at the expense of the rest of us.
We need to charge the FICA tax to all income, not just that below
$106,000.00. WE also need to ban health insurance companies as Margaret
Failure to take her advice will lead to one of two outcomes neither of which
is pleasant.
1. More and more Americans will lose hope and get sick and tired of being
pushed around by big business and we could get a bloody revolution.
2. The attempt at bloody revolution could be put down by the corporatists
and the military leading to a fascist authoritarian state.
Bob Hachey

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