Wednesday, January 9, 2013

More about Winston the Wonder Cat

Subject: More about Winston the Wonder Cat

And then there's Winston, the Wonder Cat.  Winston is a regular blabber mouth.  And now that he is totally blind, he tends to chatter even more.  I suppose those Sylvester stories I down loaded for him were not to his liking. 
Anyway Winston turned to me the other evening and said, "This blindness is for the dogs". 
"Stop your complaining", I admonished him,  "You've only been blind a few months.  It's been nearly 48 years for me".  "So what," he purred.  "You got to see more years than I'll live.  Somehow that's just not fair.  Why do humans get to live so long when they're the ones who have made a mess out of the planet?" 
"It's the God thing," I reminded him.  "We made God in our image so He could tell us what to do".  
"Well, He's been letting down on the job", Winston said, starting to sharpen his claws on the door molding. 
"Cut that out!" I shouted, making him jump a foot in the air.  "You're just mad because we named Him God, which is Dog backwards, instead of Tac." 
"Tac certainly has a smarter sound", Winston yawned.  "Don't you think God sounds like a real drag?  Cheyenne says He should have been named Esroh, and made in the shape of a Thoroughbred." 
"That's because Cheyenne is a horse.  Naturally she's going to vote for a horse image." 
"Be quiet," Winston snapped.  "Jeopardy is coming on and I don't want to miss any of the questions." 
I know that some folks will say that it sounds boring, man and cat passing the time talking about Spiritual stuff.  But it's far better than the subjects Amber, my sister-in-law's Yellow Lab likes to talk about.  Dead smelly stuff, stinky mud holes, and running down rabbits.  "God or Tac, it doesn't matter to me," she says.  "What's that on your plate?  You gonna eat it all?  Huh?  Huh?  Huh?" 

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