Saturday, August 14, 2010

Internet access decision will impact blind people

Whether we are Blind People, People who are blind and visually impaired or simply "The Blind", we demand First Class Citizenship in our Great Land of Freedom.  This is what the ACB is all about.  Remember, eternal vigilance is the price of freedom. 
The Chairman of the Board looked down the long, highly polished table at the eager faces turned his way. 
"I have good news", he said, breaking into a broad smile.  "I have just concluded a meeting with the President and the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.  We have hammered out a policy that you will find very favorable to our Cause".  He beamed and rubbed his hands together, pausing to take a sip of his ice water.  "Naturally we all agree that air is free to anyone.  We all need to breathe.  However, I finally brought them around to the understanding that with the contamination now existing in our air supply we must find a way of protecting those individuals who are most central to our future well being as a nation."  General applause  and head nodding. 
"Therefore, we have agreed upon a three tiered distribution plan.  All citizens will be sold the new Clean Air Filter System.  These units will guarantee fresh, pure air.  The basic model will provide adequate oxygen for a flat fee.  Next will be our deluxe model, providing a more pure mixture.  And finally there will be the Elite model designed and priced for the true First Class Americans.  That would include those of us gathered here today." 
Great applause and a standing ovation. 
"Once this was only a dream.  But after we took control of water and the internet, we knew it was only a matter of time before we could control Air." 
A voice rose from the end of the table, "What about people's minds?" 
The chairman laughed out loud, clapping his beefy hands while water trickled down his multiple chins.  "My dear foolish friend, we've had that taken care of years ago." 
Curious Carl

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