Thursday, August 5, 2010

"You Need to Know What's Really Going On": WikiLeaks Founder JulianAssange on the Fight for the Truth

Subject: Re: "You Need to Know What's Really Going On": WikiLeaks Founder JulianAssange on the Fight for the Truth

The US reaction to the WikiLeaks' "Afghan War Diary is downright scary.  Of course we would expect the Pentagon and the White House to initially deny the validity of the reports.  Even going so far as to claim that they are fabricated.  And we are not surprised by the posturing .  And of course we know that a good offense is always the best defense, so we knew that there would be an all out attack charging the reports to be undermining our war efforts. 
But after all the huffing and puffing was over there was not one word from our civilian or military officials regarding the most important revelation.  That is, America's behavior  cannot be differentiated from that of the most ruthless, tyrannical governments on the planet. 
If ever Americans needed proof that we are not the wonderful, loving people going about the Land, doing good, the report lays it out. 
But the content is ignored by the very leaders who have condoned it.  and the American people appear to be shrugging it off, preferring to allow ourselves to be herded along stomping and shouting threats against Wikileaks.  And that's the scary part.  That we Americans have been so dulled and misdirected that we are no longer able to think for ourselves.  How can any thinking person believe that the way to defend Freedom is to deny it to everyone else, including themselves? 
How can we allow our heads to be turned away from concerns over the illegal wars and the uncaring slaughter of innocent people?  Have we really given our Souls over to our Masters? 
America, with all its flaws, had, and perhaps still has the potential to lead the way to a better life for all people.  But that will only happen if we are able to take our minds back from the clutches of the Empire Builders and begin thinking for ourselves.  And of course, that will call for action on our part.  Resistance and refusal to play their war games will bring down their house of cards. 
Curious Carl

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