Thursday, August 5, 2010

Our lesson for today

Our lesson for today. 


Gather round my children whilst we talk about Nature's wonderful, Trickle Down process. 

You see those big fat clouds?  Well, my dears, when they get fat enough a great Force named Gravity pulls the clouds down to the ground in big fat drops. 

Gravity continues to pull the drops along until they reach the Sea.  There, another great force known as The Sun heats the water and turns it into vapor.  This mist rises back up to  become a big fat cloud once again. 


Upon learning this lesson, a once powerful leader named Herbert Hoover decided that if it were good enough for Nature, it must work for our economy, too. 

President Hoover told us that, just as water trickles down from the sky, so money will also trickle down from the towers on Wall Street , into the waiting hands of the common people.  

And so my children, Mister Hoover dumped lots of money into the banks and into Wall Street and stepped back to watch Gravity do its work.     

Poor President Hoover.  He had failed to note that money does not trickle through the hands of the bankers and Wall Street.  Unlike Nature, the bankers and Wall Street functioned like a giant sponge, soaking up every last trickle down drop. 

There must be a moral to this story, my dear children, but President Obama seems not to have learned it. 

And so ends our lesson for today. 


Uncle Curious Carl


We have met the enemy and

, he is us. -- Pogo


We have met the enemy and, he is us. -- Pogo

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