Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Being 'Objective' Is Killing Newspapers,But We'll Be MuchWorse Off When They Go Out of Business

One advantage of having lived 74 years and 10 months, and still having the ability to recall events from the past, is that I clearly recall the days when TV corporations decided that the news programming was losing money.  There was a great deal of discussion regarding the fact that air time was very valuable and the news cast, often only 15 minutes to half an hour, could be used to bring in more revenue.  Since the real purpose of TV corporations is to get filthy rich, this made good sense.  so somewhere, somehow, someone tried dressing up" the news.  "Let's see if we can make news interesting, sort of an entertainment thing", they said. 
Today my TV delivers "news" from 4:00 PM. to 7:00 PM. every evening.  Super looking "talking heads" bob and nod and giggle and coo, telling me the most horrid stories with a wink and a smirk.  And the majority of it is fluff.  And what news there really is has been homogenized and made palatable for public consumption.  Which is strange since many of the commercials these days are shocking.  I mean, these pill pushers and their disclaimers which usually include the fact that their drugs can cause death.  But even worse, or at least more disgusting, and this may be a problem with being totally blind, I hate the commercials that come on as I'm eating my dinner, advertising Preparation H and other personal hygiene products.  The advertisement is so vivid that I have a picture of someone actually demonstrating the application.  Oh well, I guess it is a personal problem after all. 
Curious Carl

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