Friday, June 11, 2010

let's scare the Hell outa 'em

Was it Bachman-Turner Overdrive who sang, "You ain't seen nothin yet"? 
Not since Tail Gunner Joe(McCarthy) revealed Commies under every rock and behind every door have we seen such a meteoric rise of a
Defender of Justice.  And they say Sarah Palin is better looking than old Joe McCarthy.  That's a matter of opinion.  Actually, if you peek beneath the surface they look just about the same. 
I have to stop and wonder whether we Americans are mentally unbalanced or simply mezmerized and skipping and bopping along to the tune of this current Pied Piper? 
After WW II we learned from good old, "give 'em Hell" Harry Truman that Commies and Pinkos and Fellow Travelers were taking our Freedom away from us.  How to protect our Freedom?  Why adopt Gestapo tactics.  Hunt 'em down.  Throw 'em in jail and toss the key away.  If they took the Fifth, they were guilty. 
In the Fifties we ran around like Chicken Little.  "The Bomb is coming!  The Bomb is coming!" we shouted as we built our little funny bomb shelters and stocked them with a week's supply of animal crackers. 
In the Sixties it was those radical students, the Gays and the uppity colored folk in the South that threatened our Freedom. 
So Sarah is just following the Great American Tradition.  Do what it takes to scare the Hell out of the public and then let the fun begin. 
Curious Carl

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