Friday, June 4, 2010

a reality check on history

All this talk about the rich wanting to return to those good old days caused me to stop and remember what I was taught in school.  My history lessons were filled to the brim with stories of our fearless captains of industry, our brave generals leading(sending) us into battle, and our great generosity toward the poor unenlightened nations of the world. 
I might have been perfectly happy and contented over this proud history, except for the fact that I was raised by a father who was an Atheist/Socialist, and a mother who taught us to question our lessons and think outside of the box.  And that was before we knew we could think outside of the box, or even that there was a box to think outside of. 
Nonetheless, I am drawn to those days around the 1880's to the early 1900's, and I get all misty eyed thinking of how wonderful it would have been to live "back then". 
We were in an old house in Spokane, part of a museum.  It had been restored to it's full grandeur of 1898.  The home of a timber czar.  As we wandered through this mansion, with it's expansive rooms, a living room with a balcony where the orchestra could perform, a fully equipped game room with real stuffed game, a kitchen that would have been the envy of the local restaurants, and the servant's quarters.  On the top floor, under the low roof with no insulation, were small, barren compartments for the house's staff. 
As we walked about admiring the lavish life style of this captain of industry, I turned to my dad and said, "I would have loved to live back in those times".  Without a moments pause my dad said, "Our people lived on the top floor". 
Talk about a reality check! 
Curious Carl
We have met the enemy and, he is us.   Pogo

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