Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Planet Earth is our Home Land

Although I was raised by parents who did not subscribe to any organized religion, and in fact my dad was an avowed Atheist, we were taught to respect the Beliefs of others and to care for others regardless  of who they were, because we all must learn to exist together on this planet. 
Even so, I was influenced by what was taught to me in school and what the parents of other children said.  When the war was over and talk began about giving the Jews back their Homeland, I joined the crowd in applauding this grand and noble act.  I honestly believed that there was all this barren land just sitting there waiting for someone to come along and make it flower again.  I suppose I could cop out by saying that I was just a child looking at the world with the innocence of a child, but it was much more than that.  Americans were being brainwashed by the wonderful goodness of what our Great Freedom Loving Nation was doing for those sad few stragglers who had braved the horrors of torture and displacement. 
Today I look at what happened and see how similar it was to what our forebears did when they stumbled onto the New World.  They looked about them and beheld all this wonderful land just waiting for someone to come along and claim it and turn it into farms and orchards an mills and factories.  Sure there were a few scattered tribes wandering about, but Heck, they had done nothing with the land and they wouldn't care if we put it to good use. 
Remember, those stragglers who crawled out of the leaky ships and began scratching out their farms were the persecuted, downtrodden losers from Europe and England.  Just like the Jews did many years later, they saw the golden opportunity to create a Garden of Eden.  You can't let a few Savages(or Palestinians) get in the way. 
But even more to the point, I have come to believe that from the very beginning of the great plan to return the Jews to their Mother Land, Western leaders saw the value of establishing a beachhead in the Middle East. 
And finally, before I write a book, I am mind boggled over this whole concept of, "Our Homeland".  We raise up armies and kill one another defending "Our Home Land".  Human Beings have been roaming over this globe for thousands of years until none of us really know where we first came from. 
But one thing I know for sure.  This planet Earth is my Home Land.  And it is the Home Land of all Human Beings.  And it belongs to all living creatures and all living things.  We have the power to destroy it beyond the point of reclamation, or we can turn it into the Garden of Eden. 
Curious Carl

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