Monday, June 7, 2010

Fw: Obama's Credibility Gap

Back in my early thirties, as a newly blind man, I decided to "get in shape".  My in-laws had a cabin on the South Fork of the Skykomish river and I decided to walk across it.  As I stepped into the shallow water I shouted, "Yes I can!" 
Knee deep I repeated, "Yes I can!"  But by the time I was waist deep in the swirling rush of water, trying to keep my footing on the slimy, smooth stones, I shouted, "Help!!!" 
Well, not quite, but you get the idea.  The on-rushing pressures can sweep away the most well intentioned leader's resolve. 
We, and I am one of them, who criticize President Obama, are not walking in his shoes.  Or crossing his river.  And here's my concern.  We are allowing ourselves to be focused on Obama's struggles against the current, and distracted from the powerful forces that are buffeting him around.  In fact, those who oppose and hate this president and his attempts to stand his ground, these very people are among the ones smiling sadly and shaking their heads and acting as if they actually supported Obama but have become disappointed by his inability to act decisively. 
Are we being sucked into a whirlpool by the undercurrents of opposition?  While the major attack rushes along relentlessly, these sneaky under currents tug at us and work at upsetting our balance. 
We are now being directed more and more toward condemning Obama for his inability to act, while his opposition sweeps past him and goes merrily along doing business as usual.  We need to get our eyes back on why Obama is unable to move forward, and work at turning that tide. 
Curious Carl

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