Monday, June 7, 2010

I'm a guy who squeezes each penny twice

I am one cheap bugger.  The kind of a guy who squeezes each penny twice and then puts it back in my pocket.  So naturally I go cruising the internet looking for Free Stuff.  What bugs me is not the fact that I pay for the use of the internet.  I choose to do this.  It is not the fact that some folks believe that their hard work or special skills and talents deserve to be paid for.  They do.  No, what bugs the Hell out of me are the many listings that assure me, "Free!!!"  To me the word Free is not a complex word.  One syllable.  No hidden meanings.  It's a good old word that has been used for ever as an English word.  It's not Old German, or Latin, or Greek.  We all know that when someone says, "Free" they are telling us that there is no cost or hidden strings attached.  Well, that's what we thought until Madison Avenue came up with the idea that, "Free" meant that you could actually read the ad for free.  Or after you paid three prices for their piece of worthless junk you could then send off for your Free whatever.  I don't know about the rest of you but I have never bought anything that suckered me into following the links by telling me it was Free.  Even if it's something I actually want, I will go elsewhere to purchase it just on the principle of it.  And I try to let them know my disgust, when they actually allow me to contact them. 
But if I were to put something on the internet, you can be sure that I would want to receive my just reward.  And up front you would know how much I wanted. 
So, after saying all of that, I truly believe you are all really special people.  Above average and really good looking. 
That compliment was provided free.  And you are getting exactly what you paid for. 
Curious Carl

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