Friday, June 11, 2010

how the West was won. As written by the winners.

"How the West was  Won". 
My dad used to remind me, "The winners write the history".  And boy did we write a whopper of a Fairy Tale.  It ranks ahead of Cinderella, Snow White and the Wizard of Oz. 
Once upon a time, long ago and far away, the good guys, easily recognized because of their white hats and lovely white skin, set out in the name of God, to civilized and tame the Wild West.  Because God was on their side they conquered tall, rugged mountains, deep raging rivers and wild, savages.  Many of the Savages came to accept God and quietly moved onto special protected Lands where they lived peacefully until it was felt that they might be better off living somewhere else.  But some of these Savages were just so animal-like that they could not be tamed.  Sadly, the good guys, in their white hats and lovely white skin, harvested them.  But many years later they built statues of some of the more savage of these Savages and sang praises to their strong, free Spirit.  And so my little children, the moral of this Tale is, always win and then you too, can write your own history. 
Curious Carl

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