Tuesday, June 1, 2010

More on Doug Casey

 Doug Casey comes directly out of the pages of a Charles Dickens novel.  He is living proof that the human brain can resist all facts and hang onto pure fantasy. 
I love the part where Casey tells us that Gates and Buffett are "creating" wealth.  As if wealth just sort of appears out of whole cloth.  And they should then hang onto it so it will "make new wealth". 
What sort of babbling is this?  I'm not sure if Casey is suggesting that Wealth is getting it on with other Wealth, or if it's just sort of an Emasculate Conception. 
And Heaven forbid that the super rich give money into the hands of those who don't deserve it!  So where do they think they got it in the first place?  Oh yes, the Creation Theory. 
Then big hearted Casey goes on to explain that helping folks who are destitute will do them no favor.  Charity takes the edge off their desire to make their own way in life.  They will just lay around expecting to have more and more.  Besides, it only makes the Giver feel good.  He never gets around to explain what we should do for those folks starving in Haiti.  But even a blind man can read between his lines.  Let them starve to death.  We'll all be better off without them. 
As Casey says, "Morally speaking, charity is not a virtue, it's a vice." 
Didn't Casey have another name in Dickens Christmas Carroll? 

But good old Doug Casey goes on to say, "I'm not saying that programs like that can have no positive effect. There are people who genuinely want to improve themselves, but, for whatever reason, just can't manage it on their own. But charity is not the best way to approach the issue.
Look, the basic point I'm making is that the best way to reduce the amount of poverty in the world is to create more wealth — as much as possible, as quickly as possible.
The essence of a charity transaction is to transfer wealth from those who have shown they can create it to those who have not shown they can. I mean, if a man doesn't know how to "fish," which isn't exactly rocket science, after all, you have to wonder why. Money is best left in the hands of the most competent and productive people, and the best way to tell who's the most competent and productive is generally to look at who's created the most wealth." 
This is true slapstick.  It's called, "Circular Thinking".  Although I question the "thinking" part. 
Once again the question is, where does all this wealth come from? 
Despite what Casey seems to believe, money does not breed in the darkness of his wallet.  It comes from the sweat of others brows.  Doug Casey does not create a single dollar.  He steals it from the labor of honest, hard working folks.  What Doug Casey is, is a very experienced thief.  A common crook.  A pirate.  And most of all he is a fool.  His mindless circular "thinking" will bring us all to our knees.
Curious Carl


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