Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Tea Party demands less government interference

This is a great idea.  Now if we can get them to cut up or burn their Medicare cards, or Medicade cards.  And why are they sending their money off to IRS?  Burn up those late notices, too.  While they're in a burning mood, set fire to the public schools, the police station, the fire house and city hall.  Don't let those incompetent government employees touch the highways or bridges.  Get rid of Air Traffic Controls altogether.  Also, we don't need anyone checking our food.  Private industry will see to it that we get real quality.  Same goes with all those guys sticking their government noses into our free way of life.  And most of all we need to shut down the Socialistic Armed Forces.  Privatize them and let those who want protection pay for it. 
Curious Carl

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