Wednesday, June 2, 2010

From Santa Claus: Merry Christmas and HAPPY HANUKKA

Merry Christmas and HAPPY HANUKKA
Author Unknown...or Unwilling

Exhausted and overworked,
Santa Claus has decided to
convert to Judaism to lessen
his workload and decrease his stress.

Mr. Claus's first inkling that Judaism was his new intended path
was when he was unloading one particularly heavy bag of gifts

and muttered "Oy, Oy, Oy!"
instead of "Ho, Ho, Ho!"

Santa took this as divine inspiration
and began some serious reflection on the matter.

Mr. Claus sat down at his computer desk at the North Pole

and itemized the benefits
of bringing toys to Jewish children.

Most obvious, was that there were
much less children to service,
approximately only 3,000,000 Jewish children,

as opposed
to almost 500,000,000 Christian children.

The next obvious benefit
was that he had eight days of Hanukkah
to deliver all of these gifts

instead of jamming the entire shipment into one night,
which constantly required the already weary Santa
to travel at the speed of light to accomplish the task.

Finally, the straw that broke the reindeer's back
was the realization that Jewish households had far
more delicious cuisine to offer

Gefilte fish, chicken soup, blintzes, knishes and the like
are more palatable than the milk and cookies
he got bored with just after the second century.

Circumcision won't be necessary for Santa,
because that's already been taken care of
in a freak accident involving frostbite after
getting stuck in a tight chimney.

Santa has left the frigid, brutal confines of
the North Pole and has begun his toy shop
anew in the sunny climes of Miami Beach, Florida.

He has fired all of those annoying elves
and replaced them with nice Jewish retirees
from New York.

Or Known now as Senta Klatz
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