Thursday, June 3, 2010

Laura J. Sloate is a self-focused, self-centered, self-indulgent ignoramus.

        Laura J.  Sloate is a self-focused, self-centered, self-indulgent ignoramus. 
No, that wasn't a clap of thunder you heard.  It was an old rehab teacher going ballistic out here on the Great Olympic Peninsula. 
Regardless of her successful career, Laura J.  Sloate is a self-focused, self-centered, self-indulgent ignoramus. 
How dare she think that she is the final word on blind literacy?  Who declared her the "All Knowing Wise One"? 
Why do we humans seem to think that our way is the only way? 
Can't we look around us and see the wide variety that exists? 
Just because I wear Jockey Shorts doesn't mean that men who wear Boxer Shorts are sissies...well, maybe that one's true. 
But why is it that for some folks the gray matter between their ears turns to cement when it comes to accepting that there are more than one way to skin a cat? (I know, now I'll have all the cat lovers on my back). 
Do I question Laura J.  Sloate's habit of rising at 4:00 A.M. to glue her ear to a telephone in order to "read" her daily news?  That's her choice.  Good luck.  Not what I intend to do at 4:00 in the middle of the night. 
And they always toss in the cost factor. 
"Just look at the cost of producing one book" they chant.  Yeah.  Well just look at the cost of making one bomb.  And what do we do with it?  Blow it up.  That's what.  Why don't we compare Braille production to the cost of building all these special gadgets that we need to replace the Braille we didn't bother to learn?  And what about the cost to keep the 70% of blind people not able to find employment? 
But I'm sure that Laura J.  Sloate feels that because she was successful, all blind people can do as well.  Her world ends at the end of her foolish nose. 
Curious Carl

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