Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My basic lesson in being a Zealot

Frankie, Miriam and all other like thinking Listers,

There is a very basic lesson here.  Sad to say, some of us had to learn it the hard way. 
I was one of those caught up in the "Missionary" fervor of the NFB.  Turned on by the speeches of Jacobus tenBroek and mesmerized by the golden tongue of Kenneth Jernigan, I set out to "educate" all blind people of the error of their ways, and to teach them why the Federation Way was the only way.  Heck, it had worked wonders in my life. 
So I understand where these impassioned folks are coming from.  To a great part this total dedication to "the cause", and the subsequent neglect of my wife and children, played a major role in her leaving me. 
Had she taken the children I still might have never come to my senses.  Suddenly faced with raising two very small children and a teen ager, working full time at a demanding job and deep involvement in the NFB, I sat back and took stock of just what in the Heck I was doing.  In saving all the blind in Washington State, most of whom did not want my brand of religion, I was sacrificing my own family.  You would think I would have learned this lesson from my own childhood, watching politics nearly destroy my parents marriage, but I am famous for being a slow learner. 
The sudden departure of my wife was probably the time I began to seriously question the tunes being played by the "Pied Piper" of Des Moines, then the headquarters of the NFB. 
I began noticing how many broken homes there were among the people who led "committed, dedicated" lives.  Not only did it cost them a family but even more troubling was what their children became.  Lost Souls. 
A good friend of mine, a reformed missionary, told me that moment of revelation in his life.  He was headed for another extended series of speaking engagements when his young son grabbed his pants leg and said, "Don't go, Daddy".  
Bending down he said to his son, "But people need to know about Jesus."  His son looked up into his face and said, "I hate Jesus!" 
I decided that my "mission" field was my own family.  I was lucky to find a caring partner in Cathy, and together we undid much of the early damage.  Three beautiful young adults came out of that decision.  And dear old dad doesn't dare try to tell them how they should be living their lives.  And I quit telling other people, too.  I have enough to worry about with my own life. 

Curious Carl

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