Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sheriff Joe Arpaio, voice of the people?

Who was it who first said that "insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result�?  

Maybe Ben Franklin, but whoever said it first had nuts like Sheriff Arpaio in mind. 

From the Dawn of time we humans have been trying to beat and torture good behavior into our fellow creatures.  First we used clubs and stone hammers, that didn't get the desired results so we moved to more and more cleverly brutal techniques.  With today's sience we can do amazing things to our bad guys, or suspected bad guys.  In fact I hear tell that we can get folks to admit to crimes that they committed years before they were born.  And some will, under our great torture techniques, admit to crimes that they will be committing in years to come...if they survive the torture. 

If we picked up our morning paper and read about a brutal dictator treating his subjects in the manner that elected sheriff Joe Arpaio treats those people held in his custody, we would vote to send the troops.  Did I say these folks are held in sheriff Joe Arpaio's custody?  Sorry for that slip.  It's not sheriff Joe's jail.  He has been elected to be the trusted employee of the county's law enforcement system.  It's not his jail at all.  It is the property of the county taxpayers.  They, and they alone are responsible for the treatment the sheriff is imposing on folks unlucky enough to be rounded up by his bully boys.  The torture, mistreatment and deaths of people held in custody is on their heads.  The blood is on their hands.  Maybe the sheriff can go to sleep nights but I would not be able to do so if I were a citizen of Maricopa county.  


Curious Carl

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