Friday, June 4, 2010

time machine




Anybody want to take a ride in a Time Machine? Step right this way

folks, and please, fasten your seat belts. It can get pretty rocky

out there.


What's that you say! No such thing as a Time Machine? Well I'm

here to tell you different. There's fields of them out back. All

shapes, sizes and ages. Come on along and I'll show you ours.


Here we are. A real beauty, huh? It's 1935 vintage, enlarged in

1971 and totally remodeled in 1990. Step lively, it'll hold us all

with room for many more.



All right. Looks like we're set. So where do you want to go

first? The Future? Good choice. But I should tell you that in

order to get to the Future we have to first travel through the

Past. I know it sounds weird, but it's the only way this Time

Machine works. You see, if we don't know where we've been, we'll

never figure out where we're going. In fact this Time Machine will

just sit here in the Present until it becomes a useless hulk. Look

around out there, Folks. Lots of Time Machines doing just that.

Rusting away from lack of use.


Oh, most of us want to know what's going to happen, alright, but

we're so busy living in the, "Here and Now" that we don't take the

time to learn where we've been. And like I told you, that's the

only way into the Future.

Of course you've probably figured it out by now. The name of our

Time Machine is the Washington Council of the Blind. And we

certainly do have room for many more on board. But if we're not

sure of where we're going, people will stay away in droves. No one

wants to join in if it looks like all we're doing is sitting around

decomposing. We need to be certain we have a clear picture of our

Future, showing each new member how they can help get us there.



We can begin painting that "Clear Picture", by familiarizing

ourselves with those people and events that made our organization

so successful, before we lose them. Oblivion is one dimension our

Time Machine can't travel. Our history is full of exciting

achievements and overflowing with heroes. All of us know stories,

either first-hand or passed down to us by others. By sharing them,

we can produce an interesting overview of where we've been. This

collection will be our "Sign Post to the Future".



Start collecting your thoughts and jotting them down. You can send

them to me now(tape, Braille or print), or bring them along to next



When you stop and think about it, we've got a powerful story to

tell. There ought to be standing room only on this Time Machine.

My mailing address is:

2510 Snow Creek Road

Quilcene, WA 98376-9530

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