A warning to those who would attack Christmas.
What in the name of all that is Sacred are we making such a fuss over?
For God's sake let Christmas alone and find something better to fight over. Let's leave Christmas to those who want to keep it Holy. Let them worship a homeless babe, born in a shed out back of a road house. Let them pay homage to a woman, who should have been planning her Junior High Home Coming Prom, who claimed to be a Virgin and was kept by an old man who may or may not have taken advantage of her while out of wedlock.
Let the three Wiseguys alone, too. They brought gifts demonstrating their acceptance of this strange union and suspect story of an Immaculate Conception. It has to be a more creative story than some self righteous governor claiming to be bounding through the mountains while he is really bouncing on a bed in South America.
Leave these Holy People to cling to their Fairy Tale that Mary and Joseph never actually, "Did It!" and that she never bore him children or that her son Jesus, barely 12 or 13 years younger than she, never had sex or brought children into this world.
Let these Holy People condemn the myth of Santa Claus and cling to their own Truth.
I chuckle. No, I actually laugh out loud when I try to imagine these same Holy People coming to the rescue of some homeless, pregnant child traveling in the company of an old man, no papers, No home address, no money, no prospects of work, holed up in some garage behind the local Motel 6, giving birth to a babe. Come on friends, they'd have her on a bus to Mexico and Joe would be in jail for rape of a minor. The 3 wise men would be held up at the local airport as suspected Terrorists and animal protection would be called in to clear out all the sheep, goats and other critters.
So let's leave the Holy People alone with their Christmas Dream. It keeps them out of our hair.
Curious Carl
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